25 years ago today, I joined the BBC. There's a lot of water gone under the bridge since then. There have been some great times both at the Beeb and in Glasgow, a lot of happy times, some great friends made and life changing loves found and lost, some memorable trips, lots of laughs. There have also been some sad times and, yep, a few tears along the road too. Life has moved on during the last 6 years post BBC, and the road is still twisty and not always smooth. But it is still a lot of fun, most of the time, and you never know which corner of the globe you'll be sent next or what's around the next corner.
I really don't know where all those years have gone though....
'It is certainly not a normal life, travelling and all that. But it is a nice abnormal life.'
Linda Thomson, from an interview published in People magazine, January 1975.
Singapore night race.... hot and humid.... sleep in, stay up late....
Storms, lightning, sun, rain...
Fascinating place......