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Friday, 12 October 2012

25 Years at the BBC

25 years ago today, I joined the BBC. There's a lot of water gone under the bridge since then. There have been some great times both at the Beeb and in Glasgow, a lot of happy times, some great friends made and life changing loves found and lost, some memorable trips, lots of laughs. There have also been some sad times and, yep, a few tears along the road too. Life has moved on during the last 6 years post BBC, and the road is still twisty and not always smooth. But it is still a lot of fun, most of the time, and you never know which corner of the globe you'll be sent next or what's around the next corner.

I really don't know where all those years have gone though....

'It is certainly not a normal life, travelling and all that. But it is a nice abnormal life.'

Linda Thomson, from an interview published in People magazine, January 1975.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Singapore is Slung

Singapore night race.... hot and humid.... sleep in, stay up late....

Storms, lightning, sun, rain...

Fascinating place......